Google Penguin Recovery

Google Penguin Recovery

Google Penguin Recovery
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(623) 455-3230
  • Google Penguin Recovery Service
  • Google Penguin Recovery Service
  • Google Penguin Recovery Service
  • Google Penguin Recovery Service

Google Penguin Recovery Service

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Google Updates got you down? Not only can we help - We can PROVE it!

Have Google's Panda, Penguin, or Hummingbird updates caused you to slip from the search engine ranking results? Are you frustrated with the empty promises of SEO consultants and companies that claim they can protect your rankings only to see no progress at all?

If so, you're not alone. Many businesses are reeling from lost revenue after being penalized and demoted by Google for bad SEO practices. Worse, repeated efforts to get back in the game seem to come up short, making many wonder if SEO is even viable in this day and age.

Our SEO Company can restore your site AND get it back to the top of the search rankings

Creative Carpet Repair :: Manual Penalty Revoked in 1 Week

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Phone :: (805) 698-2838

Restored in 1 Week :: July 16, 2014
Manual Penalty :: revoked
Panda :: low quality content replaced with unique quality pages
Penguin :: Impact Links removed
11 Months Later June 16, 2015

Our Instant Recovery Solution can get your website back in the game in less than three weeks, and sometimes within a couple of days. We offer complete packages that will not only restore your site, but re-establish your website back at the top of the search engine rankings page. And because our SEO practices have weathered all of Google's most devastating updates, you can rest assured that you won't have to worry about lost revenue again.

If you're wondering whether our Instant Recovery Solution is too good to be true, check out the testimonials from just some of our many clients.

Why do we have testimonials, when so many other Recovery Services don't? Because our customers are ecstatic with the work we've done for them.

While there are a number of companies that offer the removal Google's penalties, penalty removal does not mean the website will rank. Unfortunately, they fail to mention this fact before you hand over your hard-earned money.

While removing penalties is part of the process, it is also necessary to remove demotions associated with the Penguin Updates.

Demotions are the Real Problem

Until they are addressed your website will be invisible

For example, Penguin will demote a website for a certain keyword, causing the site to rank for the wrong keyword, or causing the search to be driven to the wrong pages. These demotions are stored in the Penguin database and until they are removed the problem will persist.

We understand the problem and know how to fix it. While other Recovery Services boast results, all they really show you are smoke and mirrors. Where are their testimonials? Where are their clients, and why won't they speak out on their behalf?

Our clients are happy with the work we've done for them and they are willing to say so. All you have to do is read through their comments to see that we are a proven leader in the SEO field.


Once your website's demotions are removed, it will reappear in the search rankings, though it's impossible to say where. Some of our Instant Recovery clients immediately find themselves back at the top, but others might be somewhere further down the list, perhaps on page 2 or 3.

Even if you find that you aren't quite back at the top, at least you are back in the game. Once you have a clean slate to work with, our SEO experts will optimize your site with new content so that you can re-establish internet dominance over your competition.

Once we have you back at the top, you will stay there, no matter what Google throws at you in the future. And you better believe that the next update is right around the corner.

Contact us today and find out more about our Instant Recovery Package. If you still have doubts, just look through our testimonials. We've helped small businesses and Fortune 500 Companies get to the top of the search engine rankings and STAY THERE. Many of our satisfied clients have stuck with us for over a decade, and is there any better proof that we can do the same for you?

Quit wasting time with empty promises and failed Recovery Serivces. Contact our SEO Industry Leaders for a free consultation today and get your business back in the black.

© 2014 LinkHelpers International Inc ★ steve@linkhelpers.comSeattle SEO
1916 Pike Pl #12, Seattle, WA 98101 ★ (206) 866-0006
325 Washington Ave, #350, Kent WA 98032 ★ (253) 852-0059
17399 W Buckhorn Trail, Surprise AZ 85387 ★ (623) 444-6144